Monday, November 29, 2010

+1 For General Lee

General Robert E. Lee was on his way to Richmond, and was seated in the extreme end of a railroad car, every seat of which was occupied. At one of the stations, an aged woman of humble appearance entered the car, carrying a large basket. She walked the length of the aisle and not a man offered her a seat. When she was opposite General Lee’s seat, he arose promptly and said, “Madam, take this seat.” Instantly a score of men were on their feet, and a chorus of voices said, “General, have my seat.” “No, gentlemen,” he replied, “if there was no seat for this old lady, there is no seat for me.” It was not long before the car was almost empty. It was too warm to be comfortable.


"God can show Himself as He really is only to real men. And that means not simply to men who are individually good, but to men who are united together in a body, loving one another, helping one another, showing Him to one another. For that is what God meant humanity to be like, like players in one band, or organs in a one body."
-Lewis, Mere C.

Thanks for the realness, men.

The theme of last week, and coming into this week is the prodigal son. I heard 3 sermons on it in 8 days. Bill Paige once told me that I need to let things go, and learn to accept grace. We are all prodigal and I hope we can learn to let our Father welcome us to the feast inside. Read Luke 15 for the story.

Something to read and think about on leadership:

Here are the USMC Leadership Principles. I have been reading them and I think they are all linked to the Word. I will hopefully be diving into a book that studies Jesus as the greatest leader to ever walk the earth. He created leadership. I am going to try to see the connections. I think you guys are great at majority of these things. Enjoy...

Note: I removed parts of the description to shorten it, and left parts that I thought had overwhelming importance.


1. BE TECHNICALLY AND TACTICALLY PROFICIENT. To know his job thoroughly, the leader must possess a wide field of knowledge. He must understand the technical aspects of the operation of the command and the methods and procedures of organization, administration, instruction, and personnel management. The leader should also possess a sound understanding of human behavior and human relations. Furthermore, the leader must have a working knowledge of the duties, responsibilities, and problems of subordinates.

a. A thorough knowledge of the job gives the leader confidence and reflects in the actions of subordinates. Subordinates' recognition of the fact that the leader knows the job creates in them confidence, trust, and respect. The leader must know his stuff. Do not fool yourself. You may fool your superiors, but YOU CANNOT FOOL YOUR PERSONNEL.

Seek out and associate with capable leaders. Observe and study their actions.

2. KNOW YOURSELF AND SEEK SELF-IMPROVEMENT. Leaders must know themselves thoroughly. Leaders must recognize their own strengths as well as their weaknesses. A good leader continually strives to increase his leadership ability as well as his technical knowledge. For example, officers or NCOs who do not increase their knowledge continually will have to bluff in front of their personnel. Bluffing is like a malignant disease; it keeps eating away until all confidence is consumed.

a. Make an honest evaluation of yourself to find your strong and weak personal qualities. Strive to overcome the weak ones and further strengthen those in which you are strong.

b. Solicit the honest opinions and ideas of friends or superiors to show how to improve yourself and your leadership ability.

3. KNOW YOUR MARINES AND LOOK OUT FOR THEIR WELFARE. This is one of the most important of the leadership principles. A leader must make a conscientious effort to observe the members of the command as often as possible. He should become personally acquainted with each of his men. Knowledge of their problems, recognizing their individual differences, and sharing in their joys and sorrows, will enable the leader to gain a better understanding of how subordinates react and function under various conditions.

a. Being responsible for your men involves more than just lip service. Be concerned about each individual problem of each person. Know their education background. Find out about their barracks life, the mess hall or any problems they might have. Do not attempt to act like a psychiatrist trying to solve a problem. Share the problem, offer suggestions, and try to direct the men in the right direction. To put this principle into practice you should:

1) Put your personnel’s welfare above your own. Correct their grievances and remove discontent.

2) Get to know and understand all of the men in your command.

3) Concern yourself with the living conditions of the members of your unit. Actively supervise their hygiene and sanitation. :)

4) Be visible and approachable. Let your men know that you are interested in them and what they are doing. Show them that you are determined for them to succeed. Allow them to express their problems.

4. KEEP YOUR PERSONNEL INFORMED. The men who are well informed about the mission, situation, and purpose of a particular task, are considerably more effective than those who are not so informed. People are inquisitive by nature. The informed men will perform their assigned task with more initiative, enthusiasm and loyalty. Far too often, leaders tend to give orders without explaining "why" the job must be done. Granted, there will be times when you might not have time to explain why a job has to be done, but do explain, when time permits, thereby eliminating a lot of fear of the unknown. An understanding man is a willing man. Blind obedience to orders can sometimes be just as bad as a person who disobeys orders. The job might get accomplished, but the morale of your unit will drop, and in the long run, your unit will falter. The best policy is to explain situations to your men whenever possible. Techniques to apply this principle are:

c. Be alert to detect the spread of rumors. Stop them and replace them with the truth.

d. Build morale and esprit de corps by publicizing the successes of your unit.

5. SET THE EXAMPLE. Leaders must be good examples for their men in integrity, courage, knowledge, professional competence, personal appearance, and personal conduct. Moreover, they must set personal and professional standards for the organization by their performance. If the leaders appear in a favorable light, the mutual confidence and respect that must exist between them and their men is not destroyed. Some techniques for setting the example are:

a. Show your unit that you are willing to do the same things you ask them to do.

b. Maintain an optimistic outlook. Develop the will to win by capitalizing on your units abilities in difficult situations.

g. Share danger and hardships with your men.

6. ENSURE THAT THE TASK IS UNDERSTOOD, SUPERVISED, AND ACCOMPLISHED. Leaders must give clear, concise orders that cannot be misunderstood, then by close supervision, ensure that these orders are properly executed. Before you can expect your men to perform, they must know what is expected of them. Be sure that they understand. The issuance of an order is the initial, and relatively small part, of the leaders' responsibility. The principle responsibility lies in supervision to make sure that the order is properly executed. It is this responsibility that is most difficult to carry out. A good leader will make wise use of his subordinates in the chain of command to supervise the execution of his orders.

a. In addition to communicating orders a leader must supervise correctly. There are two extremes of supervision to avoid, over supervision and under supervision. Under supervision will not get the job done. Showing a lack of interest on your part will develop into a lack of interest by your subordinates. On the other hand, over supervision makes people nervous, hurts initiative, and creates resentment. You must check the finished product but do not stand over someone's shoulders and watch every move they make. Offer them guidance, but then allow them to use their own initiative to get the job done. After they have completed the job, offer suggestions that might make their work easier. There is nothing wrong with offering advice or instructions while they are actually working, but give them the opportunity to at least try before you jump in. Doing this will help you also, because your men will be content and will be training to take your place. The most important part of this principle is the accomplishment of the mission. All the leadership, supervision and guidance are wasted if the mission is not accomplished. In order to develop this principle you should:

5) Make sure that your unit has the resources to accomplish its mission.

7. TRAIN YOUR MARINES AND SAILORS AS A TEAM. Leaders who fail to foster teamwork while training their commands will not obtain the desired degree of unit efficiency. Insist that subordinate leaders understand the strengths and weaknesses of their personnel.

a. Never overlook an individual. A team that is effective requires that each person in the team do their own job. Therefore, each member of the team should be considered and all members should train and work together as a team. To develop the techniques of this principle you should:

2) Emphasize use of the buddy system at all times.

4) Never publicly blame an individual for the team’s failure, nor praise an individual for the team’s success.

8. MAKE SOUND AND TIMELY DECISIONS. The ability to make a rapid estimate of the situation and arrive at a sound decision is essential to leaders. A good leader must be able to reason logically under the most trying conditions. Hesitation or reluctance to make a decision leads subordinates to lose confidence in a leader's ability, and creates confusion and hesitation within the unit. Once a leader makes a decision and discovers that it is the wrong one, he should not hesitate to revise his decision. Don't try to bluff, changes made will not have a lasting effect on personnel if you are honest and explain why the change is necessary. Techniques to develop this principle include:

b. Consider the advice and suggestions from subordinates whenever possible before making decisions.

e. Consider the effects of your decisions on all members of the unit.

9. DEVELOP A SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY AMONG SUBORDINATES. Another way to show a leader's interest in his men is to give them the opportunity for professional development. Assigning tasks and delegating authority promotes mutual confidence and respect between leader and subordinates. It also encourages subordinates to exercise initiative and to give complete cooperation in accomplishing the unit's mission. The majority of NCOs are willing to accept any task or responsibility you might give them. They take pride in the trust and confidence you give them. Even in a small unit your men, particularly your NCOs, should be assigned tasks or responsibilities whenever possible.

a. The NCO who shows initiative and seeks responsibility will receive responsibility and the authority to execute that responsibility. Most senior NCOs and officers are more than happy if they can delegate authority to a hard - charging NCO. By doing so, it allows the senior to concentrate on other things that may be more urgent or important. To develop this principle you should:

1) Be quick to give credit to the men that perform their tasks well; do not selfishly retain the credit for yourself.

3) Resist the urge to micro manage. Don't give restrictive guidance that destroys initiative, drive, and enthusiasm in subordinates. Provide clear, well thought-out directions. Tell subordinates what to do, not how to do it. Give advice and assistance freely when asked.

5) Correct errors in initiative and judgment as they occur, in a way that will encourage subordinates to try harder. Avoid public criticism. Accept honest mistakes without punishment, and teach from these mistakes by honest critique and constructive guidance.

6) Be prompt and fair in backing subordinates. Until convinced otherwise, have faith in each subordinate.

10. EMPLOY YOUR COMMAND IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITS CAPABILITIES. To employ a command properly, the leader must have a thorough knowledge of the tactical and technical capabilities of the command. The leader must assign objectives or tasks to a unit that they are trained to do, properly evaluate time and space factors, and employ the command with sound judgment. Otherwise failure is likely to occur, and recurrent failure brings about a collapse of morale. But if the situation demands, men must be pushed without hesitation, sometimes beyond their known capabilities. Techniques for developing this principle are:

b. Know the operational effectiveness, and training status of the unit.

c. Be sure that tasks assigned to subordinates are reasonable. Do not hesitate to demand their utmost in an emergency.

d. Analyze all assigned tasks. Use the full capabilities of the unit before requesting outside assistance. If the means at your disposal are inadequate, request the necessary support.

e. Assign tasks equally among all personnel.

11. SEEK RESPONSIBILITY AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS AND THE ACTIONS OF YOUR UNIT. Leaders must be quick to seize the initiative in the absence of instructions from their superiors by seeking responsibility.

a. The leader of a unit is responsible for what the unit does or fails to do. The leader recognizes and acknowledges this responsibility on all occasions. Any effort to evade this responsibility destroys the bond of loyalty and respect that must exist between the leader and his subordinates. The person who does just enough to get by does not advance or achieve much as a CORPSMAN, DENTAL TECH, MARINE, or a civilian. We must carefully evaluate a subordinate's failure. Never be afraid to offer or receive criticism. It can help you and your unit.

4) Stand up for what you think is right.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Discernment for Dummies

Hey guys, Bettwy had a good idea that I put some of the stuff I have been learning from "The Screwtape Letters" on here. Here is some of my favorite parts so far.

Chapter 6 is the one that I have related to most. It has two main things. The concept of time, and how God desires us to use time, along with our inward and outward focus throughout the day.

Screwtape begins the letter by stating the subject (human) is in the dark on whether or not he will be called into military service. He then states "we wand him to be in maximum uncertainty, so that his mind will be filled with contradictory pictures of the future, every one of which arouses hope or fear." Basically the devils want this man to keep focusing on what is before him in the unknown. Screwtape then says that what God really wants for this man is to patiently 'bear his cross' which would be to accept the fact that he is nervous and scared, but will plow on regardless. Screwtape wants him going in circles about what could happen instead of just accepting his present fear as his burden.

I think this is a thing we can all relate to. I have tried to catch myself during the day, and have found more opportunities than I would like to practice at this.

inward vs outward focus.
This took me a little to understand. Screwtape states: "in all activities of the mind which favor our cause, encourage the patient to be un-selfconscious and to concentrate on the object, but in all activities favorable to the enemy bend his mind back on itself."
For example, if we see a pretty woman, we are to focus outward on her (this is what the devil would have us do) and our lust goes on inside us, largely unnoticed to most people. But what we need to do is look inside in that moment, and repent.

the inverse is true of good things. when we see a sunset, or are enjoying a good meal, we might internalize and try to think of ways we can enjoy this pleasure more often... which is bad. we should just externalize and focus on being with God in that moment, enjoying the gift He has set before us.

thats it for now.
