Monday, June 13, 2011

a little whoppahead in everyone

I read this and it reminded me of when God teaches us new things in life. Like in relationships when we are learning how to be more responsible, better communicators, and more Christ like all around. Sometimes you feel a certain way, and it can be very much the opposite of your actions because you are trying so hard to keep it together... here's to you, whoppas...

Cuban watched Game 6 just like he watched all the others, from the second row behind the Mavs' bench. He never joined a timeout huddle or stepped foot on the floor. He never slapped high-fives with any players. He barely even stood up. Sometimes he just put his head down all the while compulsively sipping Diet Coke.

At times he cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled encouragement to his players -- and a time or two he screamed to point out a traveling call the refs had obviously blown.

Cuban sat next to advance scout Greg Dreiling, a rare experience because Dreiling's working life is spent on the road studying opponents.

"It was a real treat," Dreiling said. "There were a few times he went deep inside himself or to a higher power. I think we all did that a time or two."

Cuban put it in slightly different terms: "I thought I was going to [expletive] my pants."

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