I have been following politics more than normally recently and totally agree with you on praying for our leaders and praying that God would raise up politicians that would be led by the spirit and not by human wisdom or pressures from circumstances (economic, foregin, etc.). I like your thoughts on praying for the up and coming politicians. We should get the whoppa political adviser: Joel Hensley on this immediately. His e-mail is joelhensley1@gmail.com. Vanessa and I really have been trying to interceed more for our country to abolish abortion. I've been thinking more of how powerful our intercession can be, and how it's our responsibiliy as men in this country to seek God for change regarding this injustice. Its crazy people are being slaughtered in our own country. It is not so much the law that needs to change but more so the thoughts of people towards the value of human life. I heard a sermon on this and it was dead on about how laws more so define the viewpoints and core values of those in the country. When the Lord uses us to change that core value and reveal truth abortion will fall. Lets pray that it goes out of style and that those who have practiced it will feel the forgiveness of Christ and walk in healing. We have such power and influence in Christ Whoppas, lets not let the world make us think any differently!
Love you guys a ton,
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Brothers I'm loving the plethora of good shared lessons. Hey, I was watching some youtube interviews of political leaders this morning... I've been thinking and praying for the Lord to reveal people who are for him in the political system so we can begin to support them early in prayer and encouragement, specifically for the next presidential election, but all over the government as well. I think it's our duty and good work to recognize these leaders, and I think as a group of men we have been blessed with discernment. Has anyone had any thoughts on this? Anyone in particular you've kept your eyes on?
To name one, I was impressed by the governor of Louisiana named Bobby Jindal in a radio interview. I'm sure Joel would have some thoughts on this subject too, does anyone have his email address?
To name one, I was impressed by the governor of Louisiana named Bobby Jindal in a radio interview. I'm sure Joel would have some thoughts on this subject too, does anyone have his email address?
Monday, December 20, 2010
Stalwarts of the Faith: Athanasius of Alexandria.
Athanasius was a bishop in the 4th century with a fierce convicction backed by action to defeat the attacks against Christ's divinity that were prevalent in his time (from The Story of Christianity; Justo Gonzalez; 175, 177-178):
"In A.D. 353, Constantius, who now ruled the whole [Roman] Empire, felt sufficiently secure to unleash his pro-Arian policy. Through threats and the use of force, an increasing number of bishops accepted Arianism. For Athanasius, for the monks, and for many of the faithful, the Arian controversy was not a matter of theological subtleties with little or no relevance. In it, the very core of the Christian message was at stake...If the chroniclers of the time are to be believed, Constantius feared the power Athanasius had in Alexandria, and for that reason sought to remove him from that city without actually banishing him.. Athanasius received a letter in which the emperor granted him an audience that had never been requested. The bishop answered politely that there must have been an error, for he had not asked for suhc an honor, and did not wish to waste the emperor's valuable time. Constantius then ordered the concentration of troops in Alexandria. When the legions were in place and any revoltcould be crushed, the governor ordered Athanasius, in the name of the emperor, to leave the city... Shortly thereafter, when Athanasius was celbrating communion in one of the churches, the govenor ordered the building to be surrounded and suddenly burst into the room leading a group of armed soldiers. There was chaos, and Athanasius ordered the congregation to sing Psalm 136, with the refrain: "For His mercy endureth forever." The soldiers pushed their way through the crowd, while some sang and others sought to escape. The clergy who were present formed a tight circle around Athanasius, who refused to flee until his flock was safe."
"In A.D. 353, Constantius, who now ruled the whole [Roman] Empire, felt sufficiently secure to unleash his pro-Arian policy. Through threats and the use of force, an increasing number of bishops accepted Arianism. For Athanasius, for the monks, and for many of the faithful, the Arian controversy was not a matter of theological subtleties with little or no relevance. In it, the very core of the Christian message was at stake...If the chroniclers of the time are to be believed, Constantius feared the power Athanasius had in Alexandria, and for that reason sought to remove him from that city without actually banishing him.. Athanasius received a letter in which the emperor granted him an audience that had never been requested. The bishop answered politely that there must have been an error, for he had not asked for suhc an honor, and did not wish to waste the emperor's valuable time. Constantius then ordered the concentration of troops in Alexandria. When the legions were in place and any revoltcould be crushed, the governor ordered Athanasius, in the name of the emperor, to leave the city... Shortly thereafter, when Athanasius was celbrating communion in one of the churches, the govenor ordered the building to be surrounded and suddenly burst into the room leading a group of armed soldiers. There was chaos, and Athanasius ordered the congregation to sing Psalm 136, with the refrain: "For His mercy endureth forever." The soldiers pushed their way through the crowd, while some sang and others sought to escape. The clergy who were present formed a tight circle around Athanasius, who refused to flee until his flock was safe."
Sunday, December 19, 2010
James 4:13-16 Piper sermon
They do not have a true view of life here and they are also not EXpressing a true view of life. and that bothers James. 5 things they take for granted. the trip, arriving at the destination, the time frame spent there, the set up of a business, and the success of that business. He then goes on to correct them. It matters to God in all your planning that whether it makes a bottom line difference or not. God wants us to see life he has given to us clearly through Him, when we are making plans and expressing them. We are made for more than those 5 things. God wants our lives to be about truth. Verbally expressed reality. We are made to be sent out to speak truth about the real bottom line. truth like vapor. James could be upset that these people are not considering a Godly world view in this simple plan. That is a big chunk or truth missing. "If the Lord wills..."... is what is missing. There are two basic truths in this passage about God. If He wills we LIVE, and if He wills we will DO. How basic is it to assume we will even be alive? God decides who lives, and we should talk that way in plans. Paul never knew if the next city he went to would be his burial place and he came close to it over and over again. it wasnt until the holy spirit told him he would make it to Rome did he know a destination clearly. James is concerned about this. The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh. Next, James says that God not only governs whether you live or not, but also governs everything you do in your life. All achievements. Failures, successes. They were ignoring the fact that they are a vapor. All ability to live, and conduct business or anything is granted by the Lord. This is important to speak at work. People can see where a man puts his trust by hearing talk of his plans. To speak like the men in James making plans is to boast in arrogance. All boasting is evil. believers must believe in the heart and express with lips that God governs our lives. otherwise is arrogance. Piper approaches this delicately. soberly. there are a lot of things that a beleiver should do today that is perceived as arrogance. that is because arrogance is not wel understood. Who would you rather govern your life? the world? hades? disease? knowing that life is a vapor lets God get dirty in your life. when a child is dying of cancer are you going to wonder where God is? no you will say God wants you home for reasons I do not know. If you do not buy into God's soverghnty they do not make a pledge on this day of pledges. If He rules over all your life, then surely you will have grace that He will meet our needs. so you can give your life and money with confidence. (2 corinthians 9:8)
The above is what i noted down while listening to the sermon. i think it was a good exercise.
The above is what i noted down while listening to the sermon. i think it was a good exercise.
Monday, December 13, 2010
My Dog, Boomer.
On Friday, my family made the decision to put down Boomer, my dog of 17 years. She's been getting worse walking around in circles and getting dementia, to go with her deafness and blindness. It was just time to say good-bye. Below is a picture of Boomer and the family together at Thanksgiving. We are blessed to have had her and her energy contributing to our family for so long.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Lead Like Jesus chap 1
1 Timothy 3:1-7 (New International Version, ©2010)
1 Timothy 3
Qualifications for Overseers and Deacons
1 Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task. 2 Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4 He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full[a] respect. 5 (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?) 6 He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. 7 He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil’s trap.
Matthew 20:25-28
"The Not so with you" verse.
This is not an option. It is a mandate.
25 Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. 26 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
2 critical questions
1) whose am I?
2) who am I? (try to use Paul's mindset of soberness when addressing this.)
These are necessary to all of the roles we ocucpy in our lives. I have seen all of you excel in these areas.
Prayer and reflect:
"the most persistent barrier to leading like Jesus is a heart motivated by self interest."
1 Timothy 3
Qualifications for Overseers and Deacons
1 Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task. 2 Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4 He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full[a] respect. 5 (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?) 6 He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. 7 He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil’s trap.
Matthew 20:25-28
"The Not so with you" verse.
This is not an option. It is a mandate.
25 Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. 26 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
2 critical questions
1) whose am I?
2) who am I? (try to use Paul's mindset of soberness when addressing this.)
These are necessary to all of the roles we ocucpy in our lives. I have seen all of you excel in these areas.
Prayer and reflect:
"the most persistent barrier to leading like Jesus is a heart motivated by self interest."
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
+1 For General Lee
General Robert E. Lee was on his way to Richmond, and was seated in the extreme end of a railroad car, every seat of which was occupied. At one of the stations, an aged woman of humble appearance entered the car, carrying a large basket. She walked the length of the aisle and not a man offered her a seat. When she was opposite General Lee’s seat, he arose promptly and said, “Madam, take this seat.” Instantly a score of men were on their feet, and a chorus of voices said, “General, have my seat.” “No, gentlemen,” he replied, “if there was no seat for this old lady, there is no seat for me.” It was not long before the car was almost empty. It was too warm to be comfortable.
"God can show Himself as He really is only to real men. And that means not simply to men who are individually good, but to men who are united together in a body, loving one another, helping one another, showing Him to one another. For that is what God meant humanity to be like, like players in one band, or organs in a one body."
-Lewis, Mere C.
Thanks for the realness, men.
The theme of last week, and coming into this week is the prodigal son. I heard 3 sermons on it in 8 days. Bill Paige once told me that I need to let things go, and learn to accept grace. We are all prodigal and I hope we can learn to let our Father welcome us to the feast inside. Read Luke 15 for the story.
Something to read and think about on leadership:
Here are the USMC Leadership Principles. I have been reading them and I think they are all linked to the Word. I will hopefully be diving into a book that studies Jesus as the greatest leader to ever walk the earth. He created leadership. I am going to try to see the connections. I think you guys are great at majority of these things. Enjoy...
Note: I removed parts of the description to shorten it, and left parts that I thought had overwhelming importance.
1. BE TECHNICALLY AND TACTICALLY PROFICIENT. To know his job thoroughly, the leader must possess a wide field of knowledge. He must understand the technical aspects of the operation of the command and the methods and procedures of organization, administration, instruction, and personnel management. The leader should also possess a sound understanding of human behavior and human relations. Furthermore, the leader must have a working knowledge of the duties, responsibilities, and problems of subordinates.
a. A thorough knowledge of the job gives the leader confidence and reflects in the actions of subordinates. Subordinates' recognition of the fact that the leader knows the job creates in them confidence, trust, and respect. The leader must know his stuff. Do not fool yourself. You may fool your superiors, but YOU CANNOT FOOL YOUR PERSONNEL.
Seek out and associate with capable leaders. Observe and study their actions.
2. KNOW YOURSELF AND SEEK SELF-IMPROVEMENT. Leaders must know themselves thoroughly. Leaders must recognize their own strengths as well as their weaknesses. A good leader continually strives to increase his leadership ability as well as his technical knowledge. For example, officers or NCOs who do not increase their knowledge continually will have to bluff in front of their personnel. Bluffing is like a malignant disease; it keeps eating away until all confidence is consumed.
a. Make an honest evaluation of yourself to find your strong and weak personal qualities. Strive to overcome the weak ones and further strengthen those in which you are strong.
b. Solicit the honest opinions and ideas of friends or superiors to show how to improve yourself and your leadership ability.
3. KNOW YOUR MARINES AND LOOK OUT FOR THEIR WELFARE. This is one of the most important of the leadership principles. A leader must make a conscientious effort to observe the members of the command as often as possible. He should become personally acquainted with each of his men. Knowledge of their problems, recognizing their individual differences, and sharing in their joys and sorrows, will enable the leader to gain a better understanding of how subordinates react and function under various conditions.
a. Being responsible for your men involves more than just lip service. Be concerned about each individual problem of each person. Know their education background. Find out about their barracks life, the mess hall or any problems they might have. Do not attempt to act like a psychiatrist trying to solve a problem. Share the problem, offer suggestions, and try to direct the men in the right direction. To put this principle into practice you should:
1) Put your personnel’s welfare above your own. Correct their grievances and remove discontent.
2) Get to know and understand all of the men in your command.
3) Concern yourself with the living conditions of the members of your unit. Actively supervise their hygiene and sanitation. :)
4) Be visible and approachable. Let your men know that you are interested in them and what they are doing. Show them that you are determined for them to succeed. Allow them to express their problems.
4. KEEP YOUR PERSONNEL INFORMED. The men who are well informed about the mission, situation, and purpose of a particular task, are considerably more effective than those who are not so informed. People are inquisitive by nature. The informed men will perform their assigned task with more initiative, enthusiasm and loyalty. Far too often, leaders tend to give orders without explaining "why" the job must be done. Granted, there will be times when you might not have time to explain why a job has to be done, but do explain, when time permits, thereby eliminating a lot of fear of the unknown. An understanding man is a willing man. Blind obedience to orders can sometimes be just as bad as a person who disobeys orders. The job might get accomplished, but the morale of your unit will drop, and in the long run, your unit will falter. The best policy is to explain situations to your men whenever possible. Techniques to apply this principle are:
c. Be alert to detect the spread of rumors. Stop them and replace them with the truth.
d. Build morale and esprit de corps by publicizing the successes of your unit.
5. SET THE EXAMPLE. Leaders must be good examples for their men in integrity, courage, knowledge, professional competence, personal appearance, and personal conduct. Moreover, they must set personal and professional standards for the organization by their performance. If the leaders appear in a favorable light, the mutual confidence and respect that must exist between them and their men is not destroyed. Some techniques for setting the example are:
a. Show your unit that you are willing to do the same things you ask them to do.
b. Maintain an optimistic outlook. Develop the will to win by capitalizing on your units abilities in difficult situations.
g. Share danger and hardships with your men.
6. ENSURE THAT THE TASK IS UNDERSTOOD, SUPERVISED, AND ACCOMPLISHED. Leaders must give clear, concise orders that cannot be misunderstood, then by close supervision, ensure that these orders are properly executed. Before you can expect your men to perform, they must know what is expected of them. Be sure that they understand. The issuance of an order is the initial, and relatively small part, of the leaders' responsibility. The principle responsibility lies in supervision to make sure that the order is properly executed. It is this responsibility that is most difficult to carry out. A good leader will make wise use of his subordinates in the chain of command to supervise the execution of his orders.
a. In addition to communicating orders a leader must supervise correctly. There are two extremes of supervision to avoid, over supervision and under supervision. Under supervision will not get the job done. Showing a lack of interest on your part will develop into a lack of interest by your subordinates. On the other hand, over supervision makes people nervous, hurts initiative, and creates resentment. You must check the finished product but do not stand over someone's shoulders and watch every move they make. Offer them guidance, but then allow them to use their own initiative to get the job done. After they have completed the job, offer suggestions that might make their work easier. There is nothing wrong with offering advice or instructions while they are actually working, but give them the opportunity to at least try before you jump in. Doing this will help you also, because your men will be content and will be training to take your place. The most important part of this principle is the accomplishment of the mission. All the leadership, supervision and guidance are wasted if the mission is not accomplished. In order to develop this principle you should:
5) Make sure that your unit has the resources to accomplish its mission.
7. TRAIN YOUR MARINES AND SAILORS AS A TEAM. Leaders who fail to foster teamwork while training their commands will not obtain the desired degree of unit efficiency. Insist that subordinate leaders understand the strengths and weaknesses of their personnel.
a. Never overlook an individual. A team that is effective requires that each person in the team do their own job. Therefore, each member of the team should be considered and all members should train and work together as a team. To develop the techniques of this principle you should:
2) Emphasize use of the buddy system at all times.
4) Never publicly blame an individual for the team’s failure, nor praise an individual for the team’s success.
8. MAKE SOUND AND TIMELY DECISIONS. The ability to make a rapid estimate of the situation and arrive at a sound decision is essential to leaders. A good leader must be able to reason logically under the most trying conditions. Hesitation or reluctance to make a decision leads subordinates to lose confidence in a leader's ability, and creates confusion and hesitation within the unit. Once a leader makes a decision and discovers that it is the wrong one, he should not hesitate to revise his decision. Don't try to bluff, changes made will not have a lasting effect on personnel if you are honest and explain why the change is necessary. Techniques to develop this principle include:
b. Consider the advice and suggestions from subordinates whenever possible before making decisions.
e. Consider the effects of your decisions on all members of the unit.
9. DEVELOP A SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY AMONG SUBORDINATES. Another way to show a leader's interest in his men is to give them the opportunity for professional development. Assigning tasks and delegating authority promotes mutual confidence and respect between leader and subordinates. It also encourages subordinates to exercise initiative and to give complete cooperation in accomplishing the unit's mission. The majority of NCOs are willing to accept any task or responsibility you might give them. They take pride in the trust and confidence you give them. Even in a small unit your men, particularly your NCOs, should be assigned tasks or responsibilities whenever possible.
a. The NCO who shows initiative and seeks responsibility will receive responsibility and the authority to execute that responsibility. Most senior NCOs and officers are more than happy if they can delegate authority to a hard - charging NCO. By doing so, it allows the senior to concentrate on other things that may be more urgent or important. To develop this principle you should:
1) Be quick to give credit to the men that perform their tasks well; do not selfishly retain the credit for yourself.
3) Resist the urge to micro manage. Don't give restrictive guidance that destroys initiative, drive, and enthusiasm in subordinates. Provide clear, well thought-out directions. Tell subordinates what to do, not how to do it. Give advice and assistance freely when asked.
5) Correct errors in initiative and judgment as they occur, in a way that will encourage subordinates to try harder. Avoid public criticism. Accept honest mistakes without punishment, and teach from these mistakes by honest critique and constructive guidance.
6) Be prompt and fair in backing subordinates. Until convinced otherwise, have faith in each subordinate.
10. EMPLOY YOUR COMMAND IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITS CAPABILITIES. To employ a command properly, the leader must have a thorough knowledge of the tactical and technical capabilities of the command. The leader must assign objectives or tasks to a unit that they are trained to do, properly evaluate time and space factors, and employ the command with sound judgment. Otherwise failure is likely to occur, and recurrent failure brings about a collapse of morale. But if the situation demands, men must be pushed without hesitation, sometimes beyond their known capabilities. Techniques for developing this principle are:
b. Know the operational effectiveness, and training status of the unit.
c. Be sure that tasks assigned to subordinates are reasonable. Do not hesitate to demand their utmost in an emergency.
d. Analyze all assigned tasks. Use the full capabilities of the unit before requesting outside assistance. If the means at your disposal are inadequate, request the necessary support.
e. Assign tasks equally among all personnel.
11. SEEK RESPONSIBILITY AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS AND THE ACTIONS OF YOUR UNIT. Leaders must be quick to seize the initiative in the absence of instructions from their superiors by seeking responsibility.
a. The leader of a unit is responsible for what the unit does or fails to do. The leader recognizes and acknowledges this responsibility on all occasions. Any effort to evade this responsibility destroys the bond of loyalty and respect that must exist between the leader and his subordinates. The person who does just enough to get by does not advance or achieve much as a CORPSMAN, DENTAL TECH, MARINE, or a civilian. We must carefully evaluate a subordinate's failure. Never be afraid to offer or receive criticism. It can help you and your unit.
4) Stand up for what you think is right.
-Lewis, Mere C.
Thanks for the realness, men.
The theme of last week, and coming into this week is the prodigal son. I heard 3 sermons on it in 8 days. Bill Paige once told me that I need to let things go, and learn to accept grace. We are all prodigal and I hope we can learn to let our Father welcome us to the feast inside. Read Luke 15 for the story.
Something to read and think about on leadership:
Here are the USMC Leadership Principles. I have been reading them and I think they are all linked to the Word. I will hopefully be diving into a book that studies Jesus as the greatest leader to ever walk the earth. He created leadership. I am going to try to see the connections. I think you guys are great at majority of these things. Enjoy...
Note: I removed parts of the description to shorten it, and left parts that I thought had overwhelming importance.
1. BE TECHNICALLY AND TACTICALLY PROFICIENT. To know his job thoroughly, the leader must possess a wide field of knowledge. He must understand the technical aspects of the operation of the command and the methods and procedures of organization, administration, instruction, and personnel management. The leader should also possess a sound understanding of human behavior and human relations. Furthermore, the leader must have a working knowledge of the duties, responsibilities, and problems of subordinates.
a. A thorough knowledge of the job gives the leader confidence and reflects in the actions of subordinates. Subordinates' recognition of the fact that the leader knows the job creates in them confidence, trust, and respect. The leader must know his stuff. Do not fool yourself. You may fool your superiors, but YOU CANNOT FOOL YOUR PERSONNEL.
Seek out and associate with capable leaders. Observe and study their actions.
2. KNOW YOURSELF AND SEEK SELF-IMPROVEMENT. Leaders must know themselves thoroughly. Leaders must recognize their own strengths as well as their weaknesses. A good leader continually strives to increase his leadership ability as well as his technical knowledge. For example, officers or NCOs who do not increase their knowledge continually will have to bluff in front of their personnel. Bluffing is like a malignant disease; it keeps eating away until all confidence is consumed.
a. Make an honest evaluation of yourself to find your strong and weak personal qualities. Strive to overcome the weak ones and further strengthen those in which you are strong.
b. Solicit the honest opinions and ideas of friends or superiors to show how to improve yourself and your leadership ability.
3. KNOW YOUR MARINES AND LOOK OUT FOR THEIR WELFARE. This is one of the most important of the leadership principles. A leader must make a conscientious effort to observe the members of the command as often as possible. He should become personally acquainted with each of his men. Knowledge of their problems, recognizing their individual differences, and sharing in their joys and sorrows, will enable the leader to gain a better understanding of how subordinates react and function under various conditions.
a. Being responsible for your men involves more than just lip service. Be concerned about each individual problem of each person. Know their education background. Find out about their barracks life, the mess hall or any problems they might have. Do not attempt to act like a psychiatrist trying to solve a problem. Share the problem, offer suggestions, and try to direct the men in the right direction. To put this principle into practice you should:
1) Put your personnel’s welfare above your own. Correct their grievances and remove discontent.
2) Get to know and understand all of the men in your command.
3) Concern yourself with the living conditions of the members of your unit. Actively supervise their hygiene and sanitation. :)
4) Be visible and approachable. Let your men know that you are interested in them and what they are doing. Show them that you are determined for them to succeed. Allow them to express their problems.
4. KEEP YOUR PERSONNEL INFORMED. The men who are well informed about the mission, situation, and purpose of a particular task, are considerably more effective than those who are not so informed. People are inquisitive by nature. The informed men will perform their assigned task with more initiative, enthusiasm and loyalty. Far too often, leaders tend to give orders without explaining "why" the job must be done. Granted, there will be times when you might not have time to explain why a job has to be done, but do explain, when time permits, thereby eliminating a lot of fear of the unknown. An understanding man is a willing man. Blind obedience to orders can sometimes be just as bad as a person who disobeys orders. The job might get accomplished, but the morale of your unit will drop, and in the long run, your unit will falter. The best policy is to explain situations to your men whenever possible. Techniques to apply this principle are:
c. Be alert to detect the spread of rumors. Stop them and replace them with the truth.
d. Build morale and esprit de corps by publicizing the successes of your unit.
5. SET THE EXAMPLE. Leaders must be good examples for their men in integrity, courage, knowledge, professional competence, personal appearance, and personal conduct. Moreover, they must set personal and professional standards for the organization by their performance. If the leaders appear in a favorable light, the mutual confidence and respect that must exist between them and their men is not destroyed. Some techniques for setting the example are:
a. Show your unit that you are willing to do the same things you ask them to do.
b. Maintain an optimistic outlook. Develop the will to win by capitalizing on your units abilities in difficult situations.
g. Share danger and hardships with your men.
6. ENSURE THAT THE TASK IS UNDERSTOOD, SUPERVISED, AND ACCOMPLISHED. Leaders must give clear, concise orders that cannot be misunderstood, then by close supervision, ensure that these orders are properly executed. Before you can expect your men to perform, they must know what is expected of them. Be sure that they understand. The issuance of an order is the initial, and relatively small part, of the leaders' responsibility. The principle responsibility lies in supervision to make sure that the order is properly executed. It is this responsibility that is most difficult to carry out. A good leader will make wise use of his subordinates in the chain of command to supervise the execution of his orders.
a. In addition to communicating orders a leader must supervise correctly. There are two extremes of supervision to avoid, over supervision and under supervision. Under supervision will not get the job done. Showing a lack of interest on your part will develop into a lack of interest by your subordinates. On the other hand, over supervision makes people nervous, hurts initiative, and creates resentment. You must check the finished product but do not stand over someone's shoulders and watch every move they make. Offer them guidance, but then allow them to use their own initiative to get the job done. After they have completed the job, offer suggestions that might make their work easier. There is nothing wrong with offering advice or instructions while they are actually working, but give them the opportunity to at least try before you jump in. Doing this will help you also, because your men will be content and will be training to take your place. The most important part of this principle is the accomplishment of the mission. All the leadership, supervision and guidance are wasted if the mission is not accomplished. In order to develop this principle you should:
5) Make sure that your unit has the resources to accomplish its mission.
7. TRAIN YOUR MARINES AND SAILORS AS A TEAM. Leaders who fail to foster teamwork while training their commands will not obtain the desired degree of unit efficiency. Insist that subordinate leaders understand the strengths and weaknesses of their personnel.
a. Never overlook an individual. A team that is effective requires that each person in the team do their own job. Therefore, each member of the team should be considered and all members should train and work together as a team. To develop the techniques of this principle you should:
2) Emphasize use of the buddy system at all times.
4) Never publicly blame an individual for the team’s failure, nor praise an individual for the team’s success.
8. MAKE SOUND AND TIMELY DECISIONS. The ability to make a rapid estimate of the situation and arrive at a sound decision is essential to leaders. A good leader must be able to reason logically under the most trying conditions. Hesitation or reluctance to make a decision leads subordinates to lose confidence in a leader's ability, and creates confusion and hesitation within the unit. Once a leader makes a decision and discovers that it is the wrong one, he should not hesitate to revise his decision. Don't try to bluff, changes made will not have a lasting effect on personnel if you are honest and explain why the change is necessary. Techniques to develop this principle include:
b. Consider the advice and suggestions from subordinates whenever possible before making decisions.
e. Consider the effects of your decisions on all members of the unit.
9. DEVELOP A SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY AMONG SUBORDINATES. Another way to show a leader's interest in his men is to give them the opportunity for professional development. Assigning tasks and delegating authority promotes mutual confidence and respect between leader and subordinates. It also encourages subordinates to exercise initiative and to give complete cooperation in accomplishing the unit's mission. The majority of NCOs are willing to accept any task or responsibility you might give them. They take pride in the trust and confidence you give them. Even in a small unit your men, particularly your NCOs, should be assigned tasks or responsibilities whenever possible.
a. The NCO who shows initiative and seeks responsibility will receive responsibility and the authority to execute that responsibility. Most senior NCOs and officers are more than happy if they can delegate authority to a hard - charging NCO. By doing so, it allows the senior to concentrate on other things that may be more urgent or important. To develop this principle you should:
1) Be quick to give credit to the men that perform their tasks well; do not selfishly retain the credit for yourself.
3) Resist the urge to micro manage. Don't give restrictive guidance that destroys initiative, drive, and enthusiasm in subordinates. Provide clear, well thought-out directions. Tell subordinates what to do, not how to do it. Give advice and assistance freely when asked.
5) Correct errors in initiative and judgment as they occur, in a way that will encourage subordinates to try harder. Avoid public criticism. Accept honest mistakes without punishment, and teach from these mistakes by honest critique and constructive guidance.
6) Be prompt and fair in backing subordinates. Until convinced otherwise, have faith in each subordinate.
10. EMPLOY YOUR COMMAND IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITS CAPABILITIES. To employ a command properly, the leader must have a thorough knowledge of the tactical and technical capabilities of the command. The leader must assign objectives or tasks to a unit that they are trained to do, properly evaluate time and space factors, and employ the command with sound judgment. Otherwise failure is likely to occur, and recurrent failure brings about a collapse of morale. But if the situation demands, men must be pushed without hesitation, sometimes beyond their known capabilities. Techniques for developing this principle are:
b. Know the operational effectiveness, and training status of the unit.
c. Be sure that tasks assigned to subordinates are reasonable. Do not hesitate to demand their utmost in an emergency.
d. Analyze all assigned tasks. Use the full capabilities of the unit before requesting outside assistance. If the means at your disposal are inadequate, request the necessary support.
e. Assign tasks equally among all personnel.
11. SEEK RESPONSIBILITY AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS AND THE ACTIONS OF YOUR UNIT. Leaders must be quick to seize the initiative in the absence of instructions from their superiors by seeking responsibility.
a. The leader of a unit is responsible for what the unit does or fails to do. The leader recognizes and acknowledges this responsibility on all occasions. Any effort to evade this responsibility destroys the bond of loyalty and respect that must exist between the leader and his subordinates. The person who does just enough to get by does not advance or achieve much as a CORPSMAN, DENTAL TECH, MARINE, or a civilian. We must carefully evaluate a subordinate's failure. Never be afraid to offer or receive criticism. It can help you and your unit.
4) Stand up for what you think is right.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Discernment for Dummies
Hey guys, Bettwy had a good idea that I put some of the stuff I have been learning from "The Screwtape Letters" on here. Here is some of my favorite parts so far.
Chapter 6 is the one that I have related to most. It has two main things. The concept of time, and how God desires us to use time, along with our inward and outward focus throughout the day.
Screwtape begins the letter by stating the subject (human) is in the dark on whether or not he will be called into military service. He then states "we wand him to be in maximum uncertainty, so that his mind will be filled with contradictory pictures of the future, every one of which arouses hope or fear." Basically the devils want this man to keep focusing on what is before him in the unknown. Screwtape then says that what God really wants for this man is to patiently 'bear his cross' which would be to accept the fact that he is nervous and scared, but will plow on regardless. Screwtape wants him going in circles about what could happen instead of just accepting his present fear as his burden.
I think this is a thing we can all relate to. I have tried to catch myself during the day, and have found more opportunities than I would like to practice at this.
inward vs outward focus.
This took me a little to understand. Screwtape states: "in all activities of the mind which favor our cause, encourage the patient to be un-selfconscious and to concentrate on the object, but in all activities favorable to the enemy bend his mind back on itself."
For example, if we see a pretty woman, we are to focus outward on her (this is what the devil would have us do) and our lust goes on inside us, largely unnoticed to most people. But what we need to do is look inside in that moment, and repent.
the inverse is true of good things. when we see a sunset, or are enjoying a good meal, we might internalize and try to think of ways we can enjoy this pleasure more often... which is bad. we should just externalize and focus on being with God in that moment, enjoying the gift He has set before us.
thats it for now.
Chapter 6 is the one that I have related to most. It has two main things. The concept of time, and how God desires us to use time, along with our inward and outward focus throughout the day.
Screwtape begins the letter by stating the subject (human) is in the dark on whether or not he will be called into military service. He then states "we wand him to be in maximum uncertainty, so that his mind will be filled with contradictory pictures of the future, every one of which arouses hope or fear." Basically the devils want this man to keep focusing on what is before him in the unknown. Screwtape then says that what God really wants for this man is to patiently 'bear his cross' which would be to accept the fact that he is nervous and scared, but will plow on regardless. Screwtape wants him going in circles about what could happen instead of just accepting his present fear as his burden.
I think this is a thing we can all relate to. I have tried to catch myself during the day, and have found more opportunities than I would like to practice at this.
inward vs outward focus.
This took me a little to understand. Screwtape states: "in all activities of the mind which favor our cause, encourage the patient to be un-selfconscious and to concentrate on the object, but in all activities favorable to the enemy bend his mind back on itself."
For example, if we see a pretty woman, we are to focus outward on her (this is what the devil would have us do) and our lust goes on inside us, largely unnoticed to most people. But what we need to do is look inside in that moment, and repent.
the inverse is true of good things. when we see a sunset, or are enjoying a good meal, we might internalize and try to think of ways we can enjoy this pleasure more often... which is bad. we should just externalize and focus on being with God in that moment, enjoying the gift He has set before us.
thats it for now.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
That's a Good Word Mr. Bettwy
Bettwy appreciate the poem, I receive that word. I liked it so much I think I will make my own little post! I tell you what God has been giving me so much revelation on this topic. During this process of losing my job God has been providing me with such internal blessings. Never before have I been so excited to be in his presence and see him move in people. He has been reteaching me how to ask him things under the context of a son asking his father, and not the context of a slave asking his master. I am beginning to ask for things before that I would not have even thought to ask and believing more and more than God is for me. It occured to me today "dang, if I'm in God's family people better not mess with me because my Daddy just so happens to be the creator of the World." I am in a position where I must trust that he will fight for my name and be my defender and it is becoming more real to me. God is our protector men and we know that he is faithful and that we can trust him with all things. Lets jump today fellas, jump and not need a safety net because our Father's love and grace is that very net. I want to live my life in a way which I trust God's love and grace for me more within a day than I trust anything I can see with my eyes. There is a freedom to fail today a freedom to live because by golly ive been set free and sin, death, satan, etc. they aren't my master anymore.
Two lines from scripture changed my day today and can change my day every day when they become my reality. When I meditate on these and know they are true within the core of my being will make every day one full of joy. Here are the good words:
Give Thanks to the Lord, for he is GOOD! His faithful love endures forever.
Psalm 118:1
Simple but powerful, feel the weight of God's love today and let it explode your heart with joy that ends up squirting on those around you! HA Love you men and thanks for your prayers, support, and love during this time in my life.
Two lines from scripture changed my day today and can change my day every day when they become my reality. When I meditate on these and know they are true within the core of my being will make every day one full of joy. Here are the good words:
Give Thanks to the Lord, for he is GOOD! His faithful love endures forever.
Psalm 118:1
Simple but powerful, feel the weight of God's love today and let it explode your heart with joy that ends up squirting on those around you! HA Love you men and thanks for your prayers, support, and love during this time in my life.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Resolve: An Anthem
"Resolve: An Anthem"
'Blessed are the pure at heart
for they will see God.' (Matthew 5:8)
We reject the existence of
the insignificant instance
for there is a call on this moment.
May what we do, say, and think
confirm that the kingdom of God is near:
for we are no longer slaves,
but we are sons and heirs
of the most high king.
We come in shame, we come in sin.
We come, and you say, "Welcome, sons."
We are no longer slaves,
but we are sons and heirs.
We accept the call to act,
and in our actions, praise--
all glory to the one who
sees all our hearts and shouts,
"Faithless one, Come! Come to me
all of you, the weak and weary,
and I will give you rest!"
We are no longer slaves,
but we are sons and heirs.
We see clearly what you have done:
let us remember the grace behind
and hold fast to the grace today
as the waters try to push us
over the cliffs to the rocks below:
dangerous daggers that destroy
communion with Life and Peace.
To the cross of Jesus Christ we cling--
that by grace we have been saved
and through faith in Christ we accept
this glorious gift of grace.
We are no longer slaves,
But we are sons and heir.
'Blessed are the pure at heart
for they will see God.' (Matthew 5:8)
We reject the existence of
the insignificant instance
for there is a call on this moment.
May what we do, say, and think
confirm that the kingdom of God is near:
for we are no longer slaves,
but we are sons and heirs
of the most high king.
We come in shame, we come in sin.
We come, and you say, "Welcome, sons."
We are no longer slaves,
but we are sons and heirs.
We accept the call to act,
and in our actions, praise--
all glory to the one who
sees all our hearts and shouts,
"Faithless one, Come! Come to me
all of you, the weak and weary,
and I will give you rest!"
We are no longer slaves,
but we are sons and heirs.
We see clearly what you have done:
let us remember the grace behind
and hold fast to the grace today
as the waters try to push us
over the cliffs to the rocks below:
dangerous daggers that destroy
communion with Life and Peace.
To the cross of Jesus Christ we cling--
that by grace we have been saved
and through faith in Christ we accept
this glorious gift of grace.
We are no longer slaves,
But we are sons and heir.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
true story
I walked into church on sunday.
Wasnt even planning on going
friday, the retired Marine sniper who coaches our rifle team told me I needed to start going again
so I made it a point to go.
well i walk in the door and this old guy hands me a program
I kind of look up and down and all around the sanctuary
suddenly i feel this hand on my shoulder.
I turn around and its the old guy that gave me the buletin.
not an old guy that cant get around
and is real sad looking
but one about early 60s,
still has some posture,
and has that twinkle in his eye.
he says, "youre all grown up now."
I look him in the eyes, focus pretty hard on him,
"what do you mean by that?"
he grins.
"youre all grown up now, son"
and turns around to keep handing out programs.
Wasnt even planning on going
friday, the retired Marine sniper who coaches our rifle team told me I needed to start going again
so I made it a point to go.
well i walk in the door and this old guy hands me a program
I kind of look up and down and all around the sanctuary
suddenly i feel this hand on my shoulder.
I turn around and its the old guy that gave me the buletin.
not an old guy that cant get around
and is real sad looking
but one about early 60s,
still has some posture,
and has that twinkle in his eye.
he says, "youre all grown up now."
I look him in the eyes, focus pretty hard on him,
"what do you mean by that?"
he grins.
"youre all grown up now, son"
and turns around to keep handing out programs.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
mike asked me to document this
"Whoppaheads. Send them to lead businesses, send them to war, send them to spread the Word of God. Don't send them to a picnic."
Thursday, September 2, 2010
So I checked my email this morning. And this is what my mom sends me. I'm so proud.
>>>>>> Right now, go to blogger. Sign in. and go to the settings tab. Find the "email & mobile' tab. And enter ten email addresses that get notified when you post. You must do this individually - RIGHT NOW!
Whoppa what?
Go Hokies
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
What happened to the blog? We need to be posting on this weekly. I want to be reading about you guys everyday. Please get this rolling. Whoppaheads should never be quiet and I know that each and every one of you are on your computers for more than an hour a day. So, whats it gonna be? Is this blog going to be the best thing ever or is it going to die?
What happened to the blog? We need to be posting on this weekly. I want to be reading about you guys everyday. Please get this rolling. Whoppaheads should never be quiet and I know that each and every one of you are on your computers for more than an hour a day. So, whats it gonna be? Is this blog going to be the best thing ever or is it going to die?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Kevin and Whitney and Fried Chicken
I just wanted to tell all of you how honored I am to have spent this
past weekend with you. There was just so much glory to behold at this
wedding of Kevin and Whitney Hughes and I'm simply honored to spend
even the most sparing moments of this season of life with all of you
and get to share in so much joy. I was reading Isaiah 35 on the way
home to Northern VA, where my parents live, and I was so taken aback
by the image of the highway:
"And a highway will be there;
it will be called the Way of Holiness.
The unclean will not journey on it;
it will be for those who walk in that Way;
wicked fools will not go about on it...
but only the redeemed will walk there
and the ransomed of the Lord will return." (Isaiah 35: 8-10)
I love this as a picture of what we were able to witness together, not
only what Whit and Kevin did by getting married, but also the picture
of what Christ is doing for us...for all his redeemed. Luckily for
most of us, the term "unclean" here has nothing to do with nasty hotel
rooms with fried chicken crumbs all over the floor... it's simply
Christ's redemption that buys us passage to this highway. What an
honor to celebrate these things in such real ways. Mike and I were
just about to drift off to bed the night of the wedding after everyone
had left and he asked me to pray with him for Whit and Kev as they
traveled to Charlotte. I realized then that my heart in praying for
them had so much to do with the reality that this passage has and is
the same heart that I was overwhelmed to share with all of you during
this weekend, just by being present and alive in Christ during this
time. So, I was moved to write a poem about it...go figure.
"Fried Chicken and vodka"
The song's sung with strength, resonating in my mind
a rhythm of a wholly different kind--
one full of grace and truth. I celebrate
the day as we choose to consecrate
our lives, poured out as an offering,
as we take up our cross, rejoicing in Christ's suffering.
Let the light rain tumble on old roofs and plastic
chairs as we sing. There, the tenor rises like
the steady hands of Christ on the resurrection morning.
He reaches down and feels rough earth, the blowing
of a violent wind come from heaven filling up the house.
And there, the Spirit sings, too, "Praise to the risen king!" Our
lips speak, "Hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come; your will be done. Remain
the sovereign one among these brothers and sisters
as we praise you and receive your favor."
Then, we dance the dance only the redeemed can dance--
trusting the hips and rhythms under an affirmed stance.
The days give way to night
as we dance, small globes of light
shining like the purity of a couple set apart.
The rain drives down and wonder starts
to brim about how we will stay dry in such places
where the unplanned becomes the glory on our faces.
We meet again in our temporary home
with glad and sincere hearts to share what glories come
upon the heart. I break the skin off my fried chicken
and pass it to my friends, hoping that my thoughts within
can count as thanksgiving and praise. I witness before me
the signs and wonders of the many redeemed beginning
to love one another, sharing our vodka and iced tea,
and I am filled with awe. With each word that I hear them speak,
I hear the glory and the splendor of our God.
We wander down the Redeemed Road and pause at the peak of nod,
giving thanks for what was before and what will be again: our Father
standing at the end to accept his ransomed ones once more.
past weekend with you. There was just so much glory to behold at this
wedding of Kevin and Whitney Hughes and I'm simply honored to spend
even the most sparing moments of this season of life with all of you
and get to share in so much joy. I was reading Isaiah 35 on the way
home to Northern VA, where my parents live, and I was so taken aback
by the image of the highway:
"And a highway will be there;
it will be called the Way of Holiness.
The unclean will not journey on it;
it will be for those who walk in that Way;
wicked fools will not go about on it...
but only the redeemed will walk there
and the ransomed of the Lord will return." (Isaiah 35: 8-10)
I love this as a picture of what we were able to witness together, not
only what Whit and Kevin did by getting married, but also the picture
of what Christ is doing for us...for all his redeemed. Luckily for
most of us, the term "unclean" here has nothing to do with nasty hotel
rooms with fried chicken crumbs all over the floor... it's simply
Christ's redemption that buys us passage to this highway. What an
honor to celebrate these things in such real ways. Mike and I were
just about to drift off to bed the night of the wedding after everyone
had left and he asked me to pray with him for Whit and Kev as they
traveled to Charlotte. I realized then that my heart in praying for
them had so much to do with the reality that this passage has and is
the same heart that I was overwhelmed to share with all of you during
this weekend, just by being present and alive in Christ during this
time. So, I was moved to write a poem about it...go figure.
"Fried Chicken and vodka"
The song's sung with strength, resonating in my mind
a rhythm of a wholly different kind--
one full of grace and truth. I celebrate
the day as we choose to consecrate
our lives, poured out as an offering,
as we take up our cross, rejoicing in Christ's suffering.
Let the light rain tumble on old roofs and plastic
chairs as we sing. There, the tenor rises like
the steady hands of Christ on the resurrection morning.
He reaches down and feels rough earth, the blowing
of a violent wind come from heaven filling up the house.
And there, the Spirit sings, too, "Praise to the risen king!" Our
lips speak, "Hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come; your will be done. Remain
the sovereign one among these brothers and sisters
as we praise you and receive your favor."
Then, we dance the dance only the redeemed can dance--
trusting the hips and rhythms under an affirmed stance.
The days give way to night
as we dance, small globes of light
shining like the purity of a couple set apart.
The rain drives down and wonder starts
to brim about how we will stay dry in such places
where the unplanned becomes the glory on our faces.
We meet again in our temporary home
with glad and sincere hearts to share what glories come
upon the heart. I break the skin off my fried chicken
and pass it to my friends, hoping that my thoughts within
can count as thanksgiving and praise. I witness before me
the signs and wonders of the many redeemed beginning
to love one another, sharing our vodka and iced tea,
and I am filled with awe. With each word that I hear them speak,
I hear the glory and the splendor of our God.
We wander down the Redeemed Road and pause at the peak of nod,
giving thanks for what was before and what will be again: our Father
standing at the end to accept his ransomed ones once more.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Fellow Whoppaheads,
I was driving on my way home tonight and was thinking about all of you. I do mean all of you. In my quick 15 minute drive each one of you passed through my mind...Then I got to thinking about a paper I finished a few weeks ago about Ephesians 6:10-20. This as you all probably know or at least have read before is on the Spiritual armor of God, which he provides us. Anyway, while I was writing my paper the thought of how God does not provide armor for our backs. I know that this fact has been mentioned many times by many different people. However, I love the fact that God leaves our backs empty with armor. You can't go into battle without having an army. Whoppaheads! we are the army. God leaves our backs unprotected with armor because he provides us with other warriors to cover our backs. I just want to thank you guys for being loyal and steadfast in this battle with me from the beginning of our relationships together. So keep fighting the good fight and know that I have your backs through this daily fight. I love you all.
I was driving on my way home tonight and was thinking about all of you. I do mean all of you. In my quick 15 minute drive each one of you passed through my mind...Then I got to thinking about a paper I finished a few weeks ago about Ephesians 6:10-20. This as you all probably know or at least have read before is on the Spiritual armor of God, which he provides us. Anyway, while I was writing my paper the thought of how God does not provide armor for our backs. I know that this fact has been mentioned many times by many different people. However, I love the fact that God leaves our backs empty with armor. You can't go into battle without having an army. Whoppaheads! we are the army. God leaves our backs unprotected with armor because he provides us with other warriors to cover our backs. I just want to thank you guys for being loyal and steadfast in this battle with me from the beginning of our relationships together. So keep fighting the good fight and know that I have your backs through this daily fight. I love you all.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Sound the blasting bells of the Summer malaise
I just read this article from John Piper about the dangers of the New Reformed Movement. The article focuses on worshiping God and not intellectualism or other seedy idols.
It excites me to reorient myself to God and to his purposes in a time of the year (mid-Summer) that things can get really hairy as far as continuing forward with purpose (no, I am not referring in any way to any parts of Wheeler's anatomy when I use the word "hairy" to describe this mindset). Let it be for you what it needs to be, as my prayer in this season is for true purpose to be born from whatever circumstances meet us.
I love y'all.
It excites me to reorient myself to God and to his purposes in a time of the year (mid-Summer) that things can get really hairy as far as continuing forward with purpose (no, I am not referring in any way to any parts of Wheeler's anatomy when I use the word "hairy" to describe this mindset). Let it be for you what it needs to be, as my prayer in this season is for true purpose to be born from whatever circumstances meet us.
I love y'all.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Other potential folly from the US/ Ghana match
Note to self (and other interested blog patrons): Do not wear a communist country's futbol jersey to an Irish pub in the town where the United States of America's national anthem was written to watch the biggest tournament for world's most popular sport when your country is playing an African nation; people might stare.

ps: It's good to be back home.
ps: It's good to be back home.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
debt part 2
the reason being, is not to live cozy. listen below
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Man is enslaved to his debtor
Lets all be serious about this too. This battle needs to be won early.
Friday, May 14, 2010
The minute you think the enemy is not working against you in every way, he has completed a large part of his mission.
Rejoice in the Lord.
Rejoice in the Lord.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
no man left behind
I was thinking about how the Big Man says "I will never forsake you..." to us. hold fast to Him. thats insanely cool.
5Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,
"Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you."
Hebrews 13.5
5Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,
"Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you."
Hebrews 13.5
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Ahole in one
Whoppas, it might have been a while since you have considered this, but in the fall of 2005, 5 young men lived in an apartment appropriately coined "A-hole". A few zealous members of that house created what became the A-hole-in-one country club. 18 holes of goodness. There were even explicit ideas for customized frisbees. (I still think this should happen). The reason I am writing is because I attempted to play the course tonight. My Biblestudy meets in B and because numbers were small, we decided to take our meeting to the links. It was awesome to remember long drives, holes in one, and create new memories w/ similar men sorting out life and living for Christ. Ephesians was our guidebook, specifically armor pieces of righteousness and the gospel, highlighting the life we live in Christ. Very powerful stuff. Remember youre a whoppahead. Remember that Jesus paid it all, you are righteous because of Jesus, and that the peace you have in him is your foundation. Stand firm. Actions and Truth brethren.
Biology lesson 101
Slug shooting love darts at its mate and a lungless frog: my kind of guys.

"Creation's revealing your majesty!"
"Creation's revealing your majesty!"
Monday, April 19, 2010
Spring cleaning
These are some pictures of some women who really get at the heart of service. Their job is to be the grounds keepers of Hebei College of Finance, the school at which I am currently employed as a teacher. Their jobs in the Winter are to scrape snow off of the streets (no plows in Baoding city) using wicker brooms or makeshift shovels (usually a board nailed to a stake/ stick of PVC pipe); they sweep the streets daily, a never-ending job in a dusty campus with little or no grass; they clean windows and pick up bicycles that have been knocked over by the wind. However, the job I'm most impressed by is their "Spring cleaning" gig: before the school authorizes the lake to be refilled with water (during the winter, it is emptied to ensure no one tries ice skating and falls in), they sit on tiny stools in a row of ten-twelve, picking up every rock and stone on the lake bed and clean it off, ensuring that the lake is clean for the Spring. Check it out:
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
A request for Asking Intentionally
I want to invite you into my head a little bit (a dangerous prospect, I know, but one I'm sure you'll enjoy walking through with me):
I'm currently engaged in a discerning process about my life ahead. I was accepted to a school in Vancouver called Regent College (cheers and jeers abound). I talked with my parents this weekend: my mom said, "Oh...here's your little sister," which kind of just made me laugh because I guess she didn't really know how to say whatever else she was thinking, while my dad was very supportive of the idea of going out there. So, having spoken with my family, I appeal once more to my Family. I'm excited to work through my heart over the next several weeks. I'm asking you guys to be lifting me up during this time in several ways:
* Discerning decisions
* Being in the word often over the next several weeks. I'm learning right now that my perceptions of Judges is wrong and that there's great glory to behold there. Hopefully I'll keep learning this about all things until I'm dead.
* Holding close to my team here in China: Jon, Tim, Kerry, Bethany, Amelia, and Cameron. There's a lot of change happening within the context of our team, which is a beautiful thing, as all circumstances are being engineered by an Engineer of perfect judgment (Sorry, Josh... not you).
* Asking daily for the hearts and minds and bodies and Rest and turning away from the old and into the New for my students here. This is something that I'm taking great joy in.
* Praise for Spring: http://ryaninbaoding.blogspot.com/2010/04/its-baoding-tianjin-spring.html
* Fantasy baseball is really fun. And Brian said that "my personal goal this season is to pay attention," something that is note-worthy, indeed.
I love you all a lot. Thanks for giving me your lives,
I want to invite you into my head a little bit (a dangerous prospect, I know, but one I'm sure you'll enjoy walking through with me):
I'm currently engaged in a discerning process about my life ahead. I was accepted to a school in Vancouver called Regent College (cheers and jeers abound). I talked with my parents this weekend: my mom said, "Oh...here's your little sister," which kind of just made me laugh because I guess she didn't really know how to say whatever else she was thinking, while my dad was very supportive of the idea of going out there. So, having spoken with my family, I appeal once more to my Family. I'm excited to work through my heart over the next several weeks. I'm asking you guys to be lifting me up during this time in several ways:
* Discerning decisions
* Being in the word often over the next several weeks. I'm learning right now that my perceptions of Judges is wrong and that there's great glory to behold there. Hopefully I'll keep learning this about all things until I'm dead.
* Holding close to my team here in China: Jon, Tim, Kerry, Bethany, Amelia, and Cameron. There's a lot of change happening within the context of our team, which is a beautiful thing, as all circumstances are being engineered by an Engineer of perfect judgment (Sorry, Josh... not you).
* Asking daily for the hearts and minds and bodies and Rest and turning away from the old and into the New for my students here. This is something that I'm taking great joy in.
* Praise for Spring: http://ryaninbaoding.blogspot.com/2010/04/its-baoding-tianjin-spring.html
* Fantasy baseball is really fun. And Brian said that "my personal goal this season is to pay attention," something that is note-worthy, indeed.
I love you all a lot. Thanks for giving me your lives,
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Fantasy Baseball
Ok sorry to clog up the blog with fantasy stuff but I wanted to make sure everyone had the opportunity to be at the draft. A few teams responded to draft possiblities so I went ahead and set the draft for April 2 (Friday) at 10 PM. Everyone responded with a weekend late night time so this is when it will be. Hope you all can be there. Loves yall
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
World Cup
Hey Fellas,
I posted this on Facebook, but I had to add it here too! I'm getting really excited for the World Cup so I wanted to give you something to get you excited even more than I know you already are. The YANKS are coming baby!!!
I posted this on Facebook, but I had to add it here too! I'm getting really excited for the World Cup so I wanted to give you something to get you excited even more than I know you already are. The YANKS are coming baby!!!
Fantasy Baseball
What up brothers?! I have created A Bat and Two Balls part 5. If you are interested in playing let me know and please give me your email address. Bettwy and Wheeler I already sent you an invite. Bettwy, you said that you had others in mind. Either you email them an invite or let me know what their address is. Also it may be hard to get a draft time where everyone can be there...any suggestions? And what is Walker's email address? I don't have it anymore.
Hearts and Farts
Hearts and Farts
Monday, March 22, 2010
Global glory
I've been called of late to know what I want. Right now, I want the nations to know the glory of the Father. So, I've committed to lifting up the nations, one-by-one, starting a few weeks ago at Afghanistan and continuing daily until I get through to Zimbabwe sometime in 2011.
Each day, I'll be asking for a different nation and asking that He'd be known there, plus reading about the nation on the bbc news's country profile page. Think there's no pr. requests given specifically by nations? Reading the history of Algeria today made me yearn for the freedom of the people there from generational sin, injustice, war, poverty; before today, I couldn't have located Algeria on a map.
Ask for my heart in this pursuit, as it is time-consuming and rather exhausting. Ask that I'd do it and be joyful in it. Ask that my asking would be specific and not general, especially in asking for the leaders of the nations by name.
Praise the father that he moves us to ask for the nations!
Each day, I'll be asking for a different nation and asking that He'd be known there, plus reading about the nation on the bbc news's country profile page. Think there's no pr. requests given specifically by nations? Reading the history of Algeria today made me yearn for the freedom of the people there from generational sin, injustice, war, poverty; before today, I couldn't have located Algeria on a map.
Ask for my heart in this pursuit, as it is time-consuming and rather exhausting. Ask that I'd do it and be joyful in it. Ask that my asking would be specific and not general, especially in asking for the leaders of the nations by name.
Praise the father that he moves us to ask for the nations!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Dancing with danger
I enjoy living in this country in East Asia for a lot of reasons. One reason, though, that I struggle with the country I'm living in is censorship: things like blocked websites. We've gotten creative with technology and been able to find ways around that (as, for instance, "blogger.com" is blocked in this country, but here I am typing!) A marvel to witness, indeed. So, I want to celebrate freedom by sharing some blocked sites with y'all! Here's an exciting one I found today about national integrity:
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Gut check
This list is a gut-check for more than just students:
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Fantasy Baseball
Fantasy baseball season has come upon us. I know we had a tough season last year (6 teams in all) but I'm confident we can have 8 (or more!) this season. I have at least one guy and a few more who expressed some interest. Everyone still interested in "A Bat and Two Balls 5"?
Sunday, March 7, 2010
On starting the semmester and considering the future
I'm starting to teach a new semester tomorrow (3/8). I ask that you would each be lifting up my heart, as I desire to be all in what I'm doing here. Ask for my team and I to be able to focus well and not drift off mentally to what will be in another station of our lives.
I told my supervisor, Newt Hetrick, that I'll be pursuing grad school for next year instead of coming back here for a third trip on this merry-go-round in China. I'm excited, but still somewhat uneasy about this decision. Please ask for patience and a heart to pursue these conflicting passions well, even as planning for the one might take time and focus from the other. Ask for a multiplication of blessings on this season as we continue to mutually pursue the King.
I love you each dearly,
I'm starting to teach a new semester tomorrow (3/8). I ask that you would each be lifting up my heart, as I desire to be all in what I'm doing here. Ask for my team and I to be able to focus well and not drift off mentally to what will be in another station of our lives.
I told my supervisor, Newt Hetrick, that I'll be pursuing grad school for next year instead of coming back here for a third trip on this merry-go-round in China. I'm excited, but still somewhat uneasy about this decision. Please ask for patience and a heart to pursue these conflicting passions well, even as planning for the one might take time and focus from the other. Ask for a multiplication of blessings on this season as we continue to mutually pursue the King.
I love you each dearly,
Friday, March 5, 2010
if we were on our porch right now...
having some alone time tonight boys. started reading ol bettwys book. thanks for being yourselves my friends. I miss our closeness but as bettwy so innocently writes in his book: he prays that we go on to do great things and be great men. and I beleivve that is happening now, amidst our best efforts to screw it up! haha. I cant help but have a bitter feeling in my heart when looking back on our great times together. I wish that I enjoyed it more in the moment. I wish I appreciated it more then. I wish I was content and loved life, those around me, and the God of the universe more while in blacksburg. Maybe that is an inevitable thought that comes with age. but I dont want it to be. I pray that God works in our lives so that we ARE joyful even when we think things are going wrong. the thing is Jeremiah says he has plans for us to prosper and the big man upstairs has made it clear over and over that we are not going to screw those plans up. let us all pray for this for eachother and I ask it for myself too because I feel I really struggle with this. not feel... know... I admire bettwy for his ability in this arena. yet he tells me he admires my ambition... oh how we all fit together. coincidence? psh.... guys lets stay true to our King, our general. I say this as a reminder to myself as much as to all of us, but we have to avoid the thought that money will make things ok. let us live simply and enjoy the blessings that we are freaking drenched in. we are free. we are still in blacksburg! this earth is the burg. God help us to love you and life NOW. in your sons name.
seek the kingdom first and all these things will be granted to you.
there is nothing better for a man than to love his family, eat his food, love his toil, and praise God. For that is his lot.
seek the kingdom first and all these things will be granted to you.
there is nothing better for a man than to love his family, eat his food, love his toil, and praise God. For that is his lot.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Brian R Wheeler
Happy Birthday Brian Wheeler. You are an extraordinary man, the heart of the whoppaheads, a bold leader, and always a true brother.
Enjoy it.
And this picture might be my favorite moment of all time ever coming home from work. What a disaster!
Enjoy it.
And this picture might be my favorite moment of all time ever coming home from work. What a disaster!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Lee VS Stonewall
Is this one point for Robert E. Lee?
He now has his own personalized license plate, I was driving on I-81 yesterday and thought I saw our beloved general on the back of someone's car. Sure enough I was renewing my registration today and decided to look it up....and sorry, no stonewall as of yet!
He now has his own personalized license plate, I was driving on I-81 yesterday and thought I saw our beloved general on the back of someone's car. Sure enough I was renewing my registration today and decided to look it up....and sorry, no stonewall as of yet!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
"Health and strength and goodness, no less than disease and vice and sin, are infectious and communicable. There are men and women so strong in faith, so resolute in purpose, so full of moral energy that virtue goes out from them. "And a man shall be as a hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of waters in a dry place, as the shadow of a grat rock in a weary land." So we pass to the truth, the august and splendid truth, which underlies superstition. It is the truth of the unconcious influence. The greatest influence that men exert upon one another is for the most part exerted quite unconciously. It is the shadow of personality, of character. "What you are speaks so loudly to me," said Emerson, "that I cannot hear what you are saying." that is true of all of us. What we are is speaking so loudly, communicating news so plainly, that it quite discounts anything we may happen to be saying. It is true of the good, the bad, the mediocre, but it is true most greatly and most efficaciously of the good. What they are is forever speaking, forever influencing, forever casting, like Peter, this shadow of unconcious influence."
Howard Chandler Robbins, Simplicity Towards Chr.
Onward, dear ones.
Howard Chandler Robbins, Simplicity Towards Chr.
Onward, dear ones.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
I read in Peter today. This morning I picked the book back up after looking away from it since tuesday. Strangely ashamed to even look at it on my desk. I want to be real with people and not pretend. not kiss butt. I want to have integrity and treat everyone like a man. I want righteousness. Two verses that stood out to me.
1 pete 4 12 beloved do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.
2 17 honor everyone. love the brotherhood. fear doG. honor the emporer.
Lets hold tight to the principles, and not worry about what circumstances come.
1 pete 4 12 beloved do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.
2 17 honor everyone. love the brotherhood. fear doG. honor the emporer.
Lets hold tight to the principles, and not worry about what circumstances come.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
For those of you with Skype...
I wanted to open up a mode of communication that I have thus far neglected to make available to you. If you have skype, you can call my cell phone while I'm in China for $0.02/ minute.
Try it...it's amazing: (86) 15830293114
I love you guys entirely apart from anything you have done or will do in the future.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Brothers, I have to tell you that recently I have experienced some of my hardest days since coming back to Blacksburg. I'm not battling a "depression" like I was last fall, but it is a time where most everything is failing me. Why? I'm not sure. I've wept more in the last month than I have in a long time, part of that is good because I'm actually being truthful w/ where I am. Work is a painful, intensive experience which wars against my soul and who I believe my personality to be. I describe it as short breaths, the ones where you're hiking up a mountain at 13k ft and you wonder if you will ever stop panting, gasping, reaching for truly full lungs. It is in these moments where we want to sit down and rest, or hide from the pain. The peak is in sight, the prize is there, but I want to sit down. Sitting gives you altitude sickness and immobility, sitting prevents you from survival, much less the goal.
Its hard not to look at myself and say "you're screwed up, missing something, sinful,a failure, or incompetent". I've had the privilege of receiving the answer to that question tonight: that is exactly true. I am sinful, incapable without His grace, I have no rights of my own. What is this time? What is it for? Can I begin to look at this suffering as good? Can I view my God as powerfully loving in this time? I want to say yes, I need to find that truth again. To escape the legalism of performance, to escape the lies that the devil says you should be at this level and this powerful to consider yourself a good child of the Father.
The success the devil has had is in saying I'm disqualified, im inadequate. Well I am and always will be. If I get to far away from that I own my own righteousness, and I think I've been there before, it doesnt bode well.
This passage has bothered me for years, mostly because I know this is not my heart.
7But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ 9and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. 10I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.
(Phillipians 3:7-10)
That is probably why I'm here. I'm sick of hating the refiner's fire. I need to jump in, and receive it as love, from the Father speaking life to the full into me.
In my newfound vigilance to find truth admist this confusion and heartache, I came across this passage in Larry Crabb's (yes colt u can laugh) Inside Out. I think this speaks to my heart over the past two years. I think its time for me to embrace this and live in the fact that I don't need to perform for you guys or for the Lord. To accept his refining fire and not forget He is good:
"When we reflect deeply on how life really is, both inside our soul and outside in our world, a quiet terror threatens to overwhelm us. We worry that we simply won't be able to make it if we face all that is there. In those moments, retreat into denial does not seem cowardly, it seems necessary and smart. Just keep going, get your act together, stop feeling sorry for yourself, renew your commitment to trust God, get more serious about obedience. Things really aren't as bad as you intuitively sense they are. You've simply lost your perspective and must regain it through more time in the Word and increased moral effort."
I cant just keep going and ignore it or blame it on something. Does it include my sin, of course! Is it the greater love of the Father, Yes. I need to hold on to that. What do I appreciate more, men's view of my righteousness, or pruning by my father to true righteousness through the cross. I wanted to say hey, this is where I am. I love you guys and I need your prayer. I put it on the blog cuz, well, hey its the truth. Why hide from it?
Brothers, I have to tell you that recently I have experienced some of my hardest days since coming back to Blacksburg. I'm not battling a "depression" like I was last fall, but it is a time where most everything is failing me. Why? I'm not sure. I've wept more in the last month than I have in a long time, part of that is good because I'm actually being truthful w/ where I am. Work is a painful, intensive experience which wars against my soul and who I believe my personality to be. I describe it as short breaths, the ones where you're hiking up a mountain at 13k ft and you wonder if you will ever stop panting, gasping, reaching for truly full lungs. It is in these moments where we want to sit down and rest, or hide from the pain. The peak is in sight, the prize is there, but I want to sit down. Sitting gives you altitude sickness and immobility, sitting prevents you from survival, much less the goal.
Its hard not to look at myself and say "you're screwed up, missing something, sinful,a failure, or incompetent". I've had the privilege of receiving the answer to that question tonight: that is exactly true. I am sinful, incapable without His grace, I have no rights of my own. What is this time? What is it for? Can I begin to look at this suffering as good? Can I view my God as powerfully loving in this time? I want to say yes, I need to find that truth again. To escape the legalism of performance, to escape the lies that the devil says you should be at this level and this powerful to consider yourself a good child of the Father.
The success the devil has had is in saying I'm disqualified, im inadequate. Well I am and always will be. If I get to far away from that I own my own righteousness, and I think I've been there before, it doesnt bode well.
This passage has bothered me for years, mostly because I know this is not my heart.
7But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ 9and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. 10I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.
(Phillipians 3:7-10)
That is probably why I'm here. I'm sick of hating the refiner's fire. I need to jump in, and receive it as love, from the Father speaking life to the full into me.
In my newfound vigilance to find truth admist this confusion and heartache, I came across this passage in Larry Crabb's (yes colt u can laugh) Inside Out. I think this speaks to my heart over the past two years. I think its time for me to embrace this and live in the fact that I don't need to perform for you guys or for the Lord. To accept his refining fire and not forget He is good:
"When we reflect deeply on how life really is, both inside our soul and outside in our world, a quiet terror threatens to overwhelm us. We worry that we simply won't be able to make it if we face all that is there. In those moments, retreat into denial does not seem cowardly, it seems necessary and smart. Just keep going, get your act together, stop feeling sorry for yourself, renew your commitment to trust God, get more serious about obedience. Things really aren't as bad as you intuitively sense they are. You've simply lost your perspective and must regain it through more time in the Word and increased moral effort."
I cant just keep going and ignore it or blame it on something. Does it include my sin, of course! Is it the greater love of the Father, Yes. I need to hold on to that. What do I appreciate more, men's view of my righteousness, or pruning by my father to true righteousness through the cross. I wanted to say hey, this is where I am. I love you guys and I need your prayer. I put it on the blog cuz, well, hey its the truth. Why hide from it?
Friday, January 1, 2010
Why are we Far Apart?
Xi nian qui le, wo de peng you! (Happy New Years, my friends!) I love you and am asking consistently for your hearts to live out the words He speaks, with authority, over us daily and that the world might know that He Lives. -Ryan
… protect them by the power of your name—the name you gave me—so that they may be one as we are one.
‘Why are we far apart?’ I ask.
‘You are the one who left,’ you’d say;
no, no, from such you would refrain,
in kindness wondering on this task:
why are we far apart? Is it
we’ve grown too old to be among
the presence of our Father’s sons?
I snub such satanic hindrance
we’ve grown too old to be among
the presence of our Father’s sons?
I snub such satanic hindrance
that says there’s any day we’ll meet
where we can’t share foolish wisdom,
the grass growing through our toes. Some
say we’ve lost the desire, deep
where we can’t share foolish wisdom,
the grass growing through our toes. Some
say we’ve lost the desire, deep
in places where guilty sin stings
the mightiest of men who pray
and stumble through the narrow way,
to pursue the heart of the king.
To this, I offer one brief thought:
to whom else would we go? It’s true,
you are the one who we look to,
the one who is what we have sought
the mightiest of men who pray
and stumble through the narrow way,
to pursue the heart of the king.
To this, I offer one brief thought:
to whom else would we go? It’s true,
you are the one who we look to,
the one who is what we have sought
beneath the cracking walls of some
old house in memories and dreams.
You’re first to hear lyrics we sing
among those walls, beckoning us come.
old house in memories and dreams.
You’re first to hear lyrics we sing
among those walls, beckoning us come.
Is it the burden of the helper
standing by, nagging out his life
as she dishes his troubling strife?
No. Let each dear sister know her
standing by, nagging out his life
as she dishes his troubling strife?
No. Let each dear sister know her
life is well-loved among these men
with whom she’s chosen share this space.
May she wear honor on her face
and lend, in turn, the same to them.
Have we viewed mercy so many
times that we know His love enough,
the great love which he had for us
and by grace gave us eyes to see?
with whom she’s chosen share this space.
May she wear honor on her face
and lend, in turn, the same to them.
Have we viewed mercy so many
times that we know His love enough,
the great love which he had for us
and by grace gave us eyes to see?
Before you give this answer, please
stop and tell me how you have gazed
upon the riches of his grace
immeasurable: how wide and deep?
stop and tell me how you have gazed
upon the riches of his grace
immeasurable: how wide and deep?
how long and high? Do get behind
me, Satan! I laugh and ponder,
why are we far apart? Summer
was the last time we sat and shined
me, Satan! I laugh and ponder,
why are we far apart? Summer
was the last time we sat and shined
mutually in His Glory:
the ripening sun as we jogged on
and watched lightning in a field some
long-remembered day in July.
the ripening sun as we jogged on
and watched lightning in a field some
long-remembered day in July.
I see guys everywhere who need
Whoppaheads, and they need to know
they are one with the Father so
that they may be one just as we
Whoppaheads, and they need to know
they are one with the Father so
that they may be one just as we
are one, brothers living actions
and truth. He made us in His image
to mutually seek his visage,
and showed one body how to love.
and truth. He made us in His image
to mutually seek his visage,
and showed one body how to love.
Therefore, we’ve wept and seen the cross
(I see it squarely as before),
and bowed, united, on the floor.
We asked for grace (G., grant us grace!):
(I see it squarely as before),
and bowed, united, on the floor.
We asked for grace (G., grant us grace!):
that’s why we ever came together,
why on separate paths we’ve embarked,
why perhaps one day we’ll unite
and why now we are far apart.
why on separate paths we’ve embarked,
why perhaps one day we’ll unite
and why now we are far apart.
-Ryan Bettwy
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